Stephen is the Senior Partner of the BWCI Group. He is also a past Chairman of Abelica Global, the international organisation of consultants and actuaries and is a member of its Council.
He has had extensive experience of advising clients over the whole range of the Group’s business. He specialises in international work and presented an award winning paper on international pension plans to the International Association of Consulting Actuaries in 2002. In addition to advising a wide range of insurance and pensions clients of his own, he is also responsible for chairing each of the Group’s operating subsidiaries. Stephen also holds a number of non-executive directorships for Guernsey based insurance companies and employee benefit trusts. He is a past President of the Channel Islands Actuarial Association.
Stephen became a Partner of the Group upon its establishment in 1979, and has been Senior Partner since 1991. Before joining the Group, Stephen spent six years with Bacon & Woodrow in the UK, where he qualified as a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries in 1977. He is a Fellow of the Pensions Management Institute, the Chartered Insurance Institute and the Royal Society of Arts and is a Trust and Estate Practitioner.